Fashion Week Workshop – Horning Pirmary School

Fashion Week Workshop – Horning Pirmary School

During fashion week myself and 2 other students from NUA took part in a workshop at Horning Primary School. NUA had been contacted by the Class 5 and 6 tutor asking for help during fashion week, the children had been looking at fashion and designers but had not looked any further.

We decided to create a workshop around recycling and up cycling, we created a short power point presentation to show the children what can be used from, dresses made from meat to dresses made completely from paper. This was to show that nothing was impossible , clothing can be made from anything.

We contacted the school asking for any SEN needs within the class to enable us to include all students. As we only had 2 hrs for the workshop we wanted to enable the children to complete the exercise and take their designs home at the end of the day.

We collected together materials, found a roll of spare paper …

We decided to cut a mixture of blank garment shapes to enable each child to choose a garment shape we cut out skirts, dresses, t shirts, mayu 003               pictures mayu 002

Garment Shapes.                                                          Materials.

Examples of the children work..


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The workshop went very well, it was very interesting to listen to the children talking as the afternoon progressed, one student talked about gender stereo typing, another talked about what university he wanted to go to design cars. Each student completed an outfit to take home and where all very pleased with their results.