Machine Knitting – The begining..

Machine Knitting – The begining..

For BA6 I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine, I had thought about it for the previous unit but worried about not being able to use the machine and thought I would fail, and then spent the rest of unit not liking what I was doing and feeling frustrated. I got the lowest mark I had achieved for my whole time at NUA. I decided it couldn’t get much worse,

well time will tell…

I took this picture to remind me how to thread up the knitting machine. It has been very useful.

march 2015 112                          My first piece of knitting

march 12 025 I was so pleased with this small piece of machine knitting, I managed to cast on, knit several rows and cast off without losing any stitches.

I have added the photo of my latest piece of machine knitting created using punch card, this shows my technical progression on the knitting machine. I am very pleased with the outcome, I was determined to learn how to use the knitting machine and feel I am beginning to understand it, I have bought a second-hand knitting machine to allow me to develop my skills over the summer holidays to enable me to start my 3rd year with a strong skills base.

sample pictures 20.05.15 036