Drawing Workshops –  Castle Museum Norwich

Drawing Workshops – Castle Museum Norwich

I attended 2 drawing workshops at the Castle Museum Norwich, these where very helpful in allowing me to develop my drawing skills, but also how to take my drawings forward into textile designs following discussion with my tutor (as I had missed this unit in year 1 as I transferred in unit 3 of the 1st year).

Initially I felt I wasn’t able to find suitable items to draw to relate to my chosen area for this unit as I had chosen Mechanical Components but decided to look at metal artefacts and started to draw Roman Brooches , I carried out a series of timed drawings .

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I felt this was not working so decided to look at metal furniture around the castle and started to take rubbings from floor grills, hinges etc.

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By combining rubbings I was able to create some very interesting outcomes.

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Whilst looking around the Castle I came across the covered well , I felt this was very interesting and wanted to try drawing it .

My first drawing of the well

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On discussion with my tutor I realised I had drawn what I thought I saw rather than what was really there..

Second attempt

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This worked much better, it shows the depth of the well.

Learning to take forward

Draw what I REALY see rather than what I think I see

Develop drawings by working into them rather than creating an image leaving it and moving on to the next one.