Yarn sampling

Yarn sampling

For this project I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine and to use wire !! I made it very difficult for myself as I wanted to experiment with all types of yarn and develop new skills at the same time. This was very frustrating as it repeatedly went wrong and the knitting fell of the knitting machine or the yarn wouldn’t knit at all . At first I thought it was my inability to learn to use the machine but with discussion with Liz Clarke I realised it wasn’t me but the yarn, hurrah! Liz suggested I stick to simple yarns to learn the techniques and then to experiment with yarn.

Photos below show the various types of yarn/thread I tried..

sample pictures 20.05.15 052         sample pictures 20.05.15 050   sample pictures 20.05.15 047      sample pictures 20.05.15 046

I decided to abandon the use of wire for final samples as I couldn’t get the results I wanted, I have not given up entirely I am sure once I have increased my knitting machine skills I will be able to use wire and create my desired outcomes, but it did force me to look at other types of yarns to enable me to get the effect I wanted, as I was using metallic objects as inspiration I thought initially I should use metal but on a wider search I sourced some viscose from Uppingham yarns giving me the metallic look and very soft fluid texture juxtaposing the metal object.

Learning to take forward..

When learning a new skill keep it simple, reduce the variables by using a consistent material enabling a good skill base to be built , then experiment with materials.