BA7:  Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

BA7: Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

This is my first unit of my last year at NUA, I am now a year 3 student … Oh dear I am not sure what I want to do in my last year, I spent the first week thinking what was I going to do, I wanted to spend this last term developing skills and doing something I enjoy but what there is so much I want to do !! We have been asked to create a presentation to show our ideas and planning strategies  for this term to the rest of our class. Initial thoughts oh dear (again, there was a lot of this during the first few weeks) OK decision time , I decided to create a list of all the things I wanted to do, reflect on my recent creative activities what had I enjoyed ; Spinning and crochet ! A whole term doing something I really enjoyed hurrah !  This also fed into my ideas for my dissertation I wanted to look at how craft activities could improve well being.

Part of the presentation process was to include a gant chart to show planning for the term to enable all of the required work to created and finished in the allocated time. I found the process of creating a gant chart really helpful as it enabled me to visualise where and when work was required, I also set my self deadlines for finishing projects and to finish my dissertation before Christmas.

The presentation went well it enabled me to externalise my creative ideas for the term, the feed back from the rest of the class was also very helpful and positive.

Learning to take forward …

Gant charts are great … to try and transfer and develop this skill base into my personal life , also to be realistic when planning allowing for work and home life.

UPDATE -3rd January 2016

Gant chart must have worked as my dissertation was submitted 4 days before the deadline all of the practical work was completed before Christmas Hurrah ….

Reflecting on my slides for the Pecha Kucha I am able to see that my personal project is completely different to my  original idea, but I feel my actual project shows lateral thinking with abstract outcomes ,which I want to investigate and develop. This can be seen in the post for Personal Project / Oblique Strategies.

Writing this update has enabled me to understand and to visualise the amount of learning I have achieved this term. I feel proud of my achievements’ and I am very pleased with the work I have produced.