Beauty and the Robot : Drawing Machine My Own Robot.

Beauty and the Robot : Drawing Machine My Own Robot.

I attended a really interesting lecture on the subject of Robots and the future presented titled Beauty and the Robot: Future Innovative Collaboration Between Science and Design by  Furuta Takaykuki and Yamanaka Shunji as part of the Toshiba Lectures in Japanese Art and Science held by the Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Arts and Cultures. The lecture discussed the latest development in Robotic technology and how robots and robotic innovations are become a part of our society. The lecture was in Japanese with English translation, we were able to see the latest robots first hand with  really good demonstrations. This lecture really made me think , was there a way to use robots in my work ??  How can I make a robot ?? I remembered I hade made a drawing machine in the first year to enable repetitive drawings to be created without any without manual input. The machine was made from 2 windscreen wiper motors connected by steel strips, with power coming form a motorcycle battery. The repetitive drawing element connected to my dissertation and to my current project, the body. I have chosen to focus on the mind to try and describe OCD and the repetitive thoughts in yarn. The drawing machine created a number of very interesting drawings to support my unit on the body.

september 2013 013

My drawing machine

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Drawings created by my drawing machine