Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a series of knitting machine workshops run by Liz Clarke. Liz Clarke is a very experienced machine knitter and tutor. These workshops where very useful and informative, each week we learnt a new technique and where able to have individual short tutorials to discuss our drawings and our knitting…

Acid Dyeing – Alpaca Yarn

Acid Dyeing – Alpaca Yarn

Whilst we where on self directed study I wanted to increase my skills and decided I wanted to learn how to dye yarn, I thought this would be beneficial for my future project’s . I had a selection of un dyed alpaca yarn tied in hanks, this was a chunky yarn consisting of 2 shearing’s 1st cria (baby) fleece…

Work Placement

Work Placement

For my work placement I decided I wanted to work in 3D, to use my hands to create a product. I was able to spend my placement with Graham Crummet a vehicle trimmer. During my placement I was able to watch and participate in creating 2 complete Triking Sports Car trim sets, I was able to…

Museum Visits

Museum Visits

During previous visits to the Bridewell Museum Norwich I had become aware of an exhibition of a piece of machinery that created wire fencing, I thought this may relate to my knitting project as I intended to use wire ( however this did not quite go as planned- see material sampling) to create interesting surfaces.       …

Drawing – Mechanical Components

Drawing – Mechanical Components

For this unit I wanted to look at Mechanical components used to make Triking Sports Cars . I chose various mechanical components to draw, some I found very hard to draw as they where made from solid aluminium billet which is very reflective, I also used foil to create impressions of the components. I experimented drawing with wire although…

A Fashion Showcase: Creativity &Craftsmanship

A Fashion Showcase: Creativity &Craftsmanship

As part of Norwich Fashion Week NUA held a Fashion Showcase . I found this event very inspiring it gave me the opportunity to listen to the designers and creators and also to look/photograph their work. The speakers where  Beatrice Korlekie Newman , Daniel Harris and Nick Thompson, co-founder of Knit, an award winning creative agency…

Machine Knitting – The begining..

Machine Knitting – The begining..

For BA6 I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine, I had thought about it for the previous unit but worried about not being able to use the machine and thought I would fail, and then spent the rest of unit not liking what I was doing and feeling frustrated. I got the lowest…

Fashion Week Workshop – Horning Pirmary School

Fashion Week Workshop – Horning Pirmary School

During fashion week myself and 2 other students from NUA took part in a workshop at Horning Primary School. NUA had been contacted by the Class 5 and 6 tutor asking for help during fashion week, the children had been looking at fashion and designers but had not looked any further. We decided to create…