Experimental 3D fibreglass shape covered with machine knitting

Experimental 3D fibreglass shape covered with machine knitting

Following my experience gained  on work placement I decided to try covering a fibre glass shape with machine knitting, I wanted to experiment using machine knitting as a fabric that could be cut and manipulated over forms to create interesting outcomes.                The machine knitting worked really well, with good stretch covering the knitting was…

Use of 3D scans  to create textiles

Use of 3D scans to create textiles

Following the talk by Beatrice Korlekie at the NUA Fashion Event,  I decided to try creating a textile response using images of 3D scans of Triking Sports Car chassis front section. I contacted the company who had created the 3D images but they where unable to supply me with images that could be opened using home programmes…

3D Felting Samples

3D Felting Samples

I decided to experiment felting using vehicle components as formers to create shapes in the felt, I knitted the initial fabric on the knitting machine using 100% lambs wool. 1st felted  sample 40 degree machine wash – fabric felted very well – shrinkage approx. 10% 2nd felted sample  Yarn used – Lambs wool – using…

Yarn sampling

Yarn sampling

For this project I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine and to use wire !! I made it very difficult for myself as I wanted to experiment with all types of yarn and develop new skills at the same time. This was very frustrating as it repeatedly went wrong and the knitting fell…

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a series of knitting machine workshops run by Liz Clarke. Liz Clarke is a very experienced machine knitter and tutor. These workshops where very useful and informative, each week we learnt a new technique and where able to have individual short tutorials to discuss our drawings and our knitting…

Machine Knitting – The begining..

Machine Knitting – The begining..

For BA6 I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine, I had thought about it for the previous unit but worried about not being able to use the machine and thought I would fail, and then spent the rest of unit not liking what I was doing and feeling frustrated. I got the lowest…