Body Project

Body Project

For this project I wanted to look at the brain, in particular how to visualise OCD, I wanted to show non sufferers how OCD thoughts can feel. I wanted to explore this in fibre, for this project I chose to work with ‘non standard’ fibres, viscose, milk protein, silk noil, angelina fibre using  wool (Swaledale) to blend the…

BA7:  Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

BA7: Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

This is my first unit of my last year at NUA, I am now a year 3 student … Oh dear I am not sure what I want to do in my last year, I spent the first week thinking what was I going to do, I wanted to spend this last term developing skills…

Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly workshop at Designer Makers @ 21 in Diss, with Kim and Kally Davidson , the day was spent trying out woolly craft techniques. We were asked to choses 10 different types of yarn to spin together to create a new yarn, I had spun before but I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the process of spinning,…

Saori Weaving

Saori Weaving

Having struggled to get to grips with weaving as I find all the straight lines and edges quite difficult I thought I would try Saori Weaving ,” Saori is hand weaving that emphasises creativity and free expression. No rules, no fear – just pure absorption and immersion into weaving and working with yarn and threads. This ‘non-technique’…

3D Felting Samples

3D Felting Samples

I decided to experiment felting using vehicle components as formers to create shapes in the felt, I knitted the initial fabric on the knitting machine using 100% lambs wool. 1st felted  sample 40 degree machine wash – fabric felted very well – shrinkage approx. 10% 2nd felted sample  Yarn used – Lambs wool – using…

Printing Workshop – Horning Primary School

Printing Workshop – Horning Primary School

We enjoyed ourselves so much at the fashion workshop we asked to go back and run another workshop with the years 5 and 6 at Horning Primary School. I contacted the class teacher to find out what the students where working on at the moment – African Art and printing skills we tried to combine…

Yarn sampling

Yarn sampling

For this project I wanted to learn how to use the knitting machine and to use wire !! I made it very difficult for myself as I wanted to experiment with all types of yarn and develop new skills at the same time. This was very frustrating as it repeatedly went wrong and the knitting fell…

Bio Hacking Workshop

Bio Hacking Workshop

I attended a Bio Hacking Workshop with Raphael Kim a bio hacker – designer, I had no idea what this was but thought it would be interesting. Prior to the workshop I did some research on Raphael and found his work very interesting and thought provoking. An example of Raphael Kim’s work – Microbial prints…

Mono Prints – Mechanical Components

Mono Prints – Mechanical Components

For this unit I wanted to create a series of mono prints from mechanical components to develop as textile patterns, I decide to using black and white to emphasis the line but to also emphasis the industrial theme.             Interesting surface textures created by mixing printing ink with PVA and embossing components into the paper….

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a series of knitting machine workshops run by Liz Clarke. Liz Clarke is a very experienced machine knitter and tutor. These workshops where very useful and informative, each week we learnt a new technique and where able to have individual short tutorials to discuss our drawings and our knitting…