Floral repeat workshop

Floral repeat workshop

I attended a workshop on floral pattern repeats, I found this workshop very interesting as it enabled me to start developing a series of images. Using acrylic paint on a large scale I created several chrysanthemum heads.              Also experimented using sticky labels , however this was not as successful  as the shapes where too solid,…

BA5 – External Competitions- Bradford plus 1 other – First thoughts –

BA5 – External Competitions- Bradford plus 1 other – First thoughts –

For the purposes’ of this unit I decided to look at Natural Forms, we have been asked to enter 2 external competitions 1 Bradford Textile Competition  plus 1 other. I wanted to try different mediums, I wanted to try machine knitting but was concerned that I would not know what to do as I had no machine…

AVA Pattern Software Workshop

AVA Pattern Software Workshop

Initial thoughts – Oh dear another software programme – reality not bad at all – my experience using Photoshop was really useful and with my confidence increasing every time I use digital software, I was able to create patterns. As I don’t have a copy of this software I am unable to practice regularly which is…

Contextual Images

Contextual Images

Oh dear I desperately require Photoshop lessons , I have  tried to create some contextual images to show my repeat prints kin context it has not quite worked …. I cant work out how to use the pen tool or displacement maps but never mind until today I didn’t know what a displacement map was,…

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 1

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 1

I wanted to create a repeat pattern using the graphs I had created but wanted to try a different graph , I tried the half diamond but felt it was too small but it did relate to my original drawings of dragonflies as the half diamond on its own looks like a square simplified dragonfly…..

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 2

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 2

This screen print started life as an experiment in using the remnants from my laser cutting as resists to see what happens to the print when material is added.       1st print/layer  Antique gold  2nd print/layer Black , the black dye was pulled through the screen whilst the Antique gold was still wet, more pieces of…

About Me

About Me

Hello , My name is Nicki Layzell, I am a 3rd Year Degree student at NUA , studying Textile Design. This is my reflective journal ; I want to use this space to post my work and to reflect on my journey throughout my last year. Please click on each picture, this will open a new page with more text and…

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 3

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 3

For this outcome I wanted to combine 2 processes to create 1 outcome, I decided to screen print over my laser cut silk, the screen print image was a modified version of the laser cut image. I had been having difficulties managing to handle the screens to create the repeat print in the print room, 2 screens had been placed on 1 large screen…

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 4

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 4

I was very lucky to be able to use the Print Room after the unit hand in day as I had a 2 week unit extension, I had the print room to myself, again many thanks to both Neil and Yasmin the technical staff in the print room who where both really helpful.Having the print room to myself enabled me…

Using CAD programmes – Laser Cutter

Using CAD programmes – Laser Cutter

I booked my induction on the laser cutter this was very interesting, managed to work out a design to use (many thanks to David the technician who was able to transfer my image into the right programme ) I then cut my fabric its an amazing process to watch ,watching the laser dart backwards and…