Screen printing our pattern repeat

Screen printing our pattern repeat

Screens printed –               Colours mixed (we had carried extensive colour sampling but didn’t take any pictures of that bit !)                                                     Pattern repeat marked out onto the print table, print furniture fitted and silk taped down.                   Ready to go ..  Colour 1  Colour 2  Colour…

Have we created a textile design ?

Have we created a textile design ?

We came into the studio to find a note on the bottom of our design , “is this too formal” (from our tutor) This caused some discussion ! As a group we thought our design worked well but took on board the note and decided to add texture, we looked at the initial jewellery drawings and…

Choosing colours

Choosing colours

Our group decided to use the colours from a piece of jewellery to inform our pattern repeat, the colours were current it was a piece of jewellery bought from this seasons fashion collections. It was decided to overlay colours to create extra colours. I missed the final colour selection as I was away in London…

Repeat Pattern

Repeat Pattern

The initial drawings were collected together, we worked out the pattern cut through and used the small drawings to infill, this worked well hopefully we had achieved a smooth cut through but would only be able to tell once the pattern was printed. Collection of the group drawings   My drawings of dragon flies        …
