Screen printing – “Painterly” Mono Print

Screen printing – “Painterly” Mono Print

I wanted to create a repeating floral design inspired by Marimekko (Finish fabric designers) using floral images, my idea was to create a layered image with foliage in the background the second layer a strong bold design using texture … Initial ideas foliage prints went well ..  Mono printed background                                                                   Kodatrace…

Contextual Images

Contextual Images

Oh dear I desperately require Photoshop lessons , I have  tried to create some contextual images to show my repeat prints kin context it has not quite worked …. I cant work out how to use the pen tool or displacement maps but never mind until today I didn’t know what a displacement map was,…

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 2

Project 2 – Repeat Pattern Inspired by Norwich Shawls- Outcome 2

This screen print started life as an experiment in using the remnants from my laser cutting as resists to see what happens to the print when material is added.       1st print/layer  Antique gold  2nd print/layer Black , the black dye was pulled through the screen whilst the Antique gold was still wet, more pieces of…

Hello world “reflective journal “

Hello world “reflective journal “

This is my first digital entry of my reflective journal ! Project 1 Scale and repeating structures. Working in groups of 4 to create a 2.5 m length of printed fabric using screen printing techniques. Using a collection of objects as source material. First thought oh dear working in a group this could be hard going, I had concerns about my…

Choosing colours

Choosing colours

Our group decided to use the colours from a piece of jewellery to inform our pattern repeat, the colours were current it was a piece of jewellery bought from this seasons fashion collections. It was decided to overlay colours to create extra colours. I missed the final colour selection as I was away in London…