Wearablehug in use – Bamboo Aviator Hat

Wearablehug in use – Bamboo Aviator Hat

As part of my final project I wanted to develop my spinning skills, throughout this unit I have been using wool, I decided to try spinning bamboo as it doesn’t contain lanolin and can be quite slippery and difficult to spin increasing my skill base. Also to try experimenting with fibres that are kind to skin and suitable…

Dyeing handspun yarn

Dyeing handspun yarn

As part of this final unit I wanted to experiment dyeing my had spun yarn, felting of the yarn during the process was an issue with one particular batch of yarn , initially I thought this would make the yarn unsuitable but it created an amazing structural piece.     I spun a second batch…

Wearable hugs

Wearable hugs

I wanted to continue to develop my spinning skills into the last unit but wasn’t sure how to make this part of my unit, I decided to create yarns to crochet and knit into wraps, following my successful free form wrap created on homelessness. What to call them ….. wearable hugs the name popped into my…

Personal Project/Oblique Stratergies

Personal Project/Oblique Stratergies

My initial ideas for my personal project changed quite dramatically as the weeks progressed throughout this unit. My initial idea was to create freeform crocheted shapes inspired by natural forms using reclaimed yarns, following feedback from my Pecha Kucha presentation I looked at creating freeform crochet shapes using items of clothing from my family and…

Body Project

Body Project

For this project I wanted to look at the brain, in particular how to visualise OCD, I wanted to show non sufferers how OCD thoughts can feel. I wanted to explore this in fibre, for this project I chose to work with ‘non standard’ fibres, viscose, milk protein, silk noil, angelina fibre using  wool (Swaledale) to blend the…

Home Project

Home Project

For this project I decided to look at homelessness, I wanted to show what homelessness felt like in yarn. I was homeless for a short period of time several years ago, I wanted to explore these feelings and try to express the feelings in yarn and to create a piece of work that visualised these feelings. My first…

Wingham Wool Weekend

Wingham Wool Weekend

The Lavenham Guild of Spinners and Weavers held a 2 day sampling weekend enabling spinners to sample a huge variety of fibres. Holly (another 3rd year textile student from NUA ) and I headed of to Lavenham with our spinning wheels in tow. The village hall was filled with spinners and spinning wheels , I…

BA7:  Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

BA7: Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

This is my first unit of my last year at NUA, I am now a year 3 student … Oh dear I am not sure what I want to do in my last year, I spent the first week thinking what was I going to do, I wanted to spend this last term developing skills…