Gallery Visits

Gallery Visits

I was very fortunate to be able to visit 2 major exhibitions during this unit both where very interesting and inspiring.

1.Francis Bacon and The Masters at Sainsbury Centre, I was unsure prior to the exhibition if I liked the work of Francis Bacon and knew very little about him but decided to go anyway, I am so glad I did. To see all of his work alongside his inspiration was very informative.

The exhibition had been curated in a way to enable you to enjoy each image alongside his inspiration and to compare them both, to see and to try to understand Bacons thought process.

Attending this exhibition has given me a greater respect for Bacons work, I am able to see the composition and technique in his paintings .

2. Savage Beauty Alexander McQueen at the V&A

This exhibition was amazing, its really hard to put into words, to describe the garments and the curation of this exhibition , a 2 hr. slot is not long enough to take it all in. I had some knowledge of Alexander McQueen and looked at his designs in a previous unit but I had not understood the huge variety of his work.

In this exhibition no sketching, photos where allowed but I was able to purchase the catalogue which I am sure this will become a major resource in the future.

I was able to take photos in other parts of the V&A and in other exhibition’s within the V&A.

Photos taken in What is Luxury Exhibition

May pictures 080 Bubble Bath – Nora Folk – Nylon 2001

May pictures 074 Fragile Future Concrete Chandelier -Studio Drift – 2011 – LEDs, Dandelion seed heads, Plexi glass, Phosphorous Bronze, Electronics MDF.

I found these 2 installation amazing  each for different reason but both show fragility.

Photos taken around the V&A

May pictures 063           May pictures 057 May pictures 056       May pictures 040 May pictures 047    May pictures 036

Photos taken of items that can be touched

I found these exhibits very interesting, I want to explore the elements of surface design and touch in the 3rd year .

May pictures 046 May pictures 048 May pictures 106






Filed Under: BA6