Hello world “reflective journal “

Hello world “reflective journal “

This is my first digital entry of my reflective journal !

Project 1 Scale and repeating structures.

Working in groups of 4 to create a 2.5 m length of printed fabric using screen printing techniques. Using a collection of objects as source material.

First thought oh dear working in a group this could be hard going, I had concerns about my lack of ability and ideas would I good enough, would I be the silent member of the group!

Outcome completely the reverse! Our group worked very well together we where able to use each others strengths to create a very successful outcome, the project has increased my knowledge and confidence, enabling me to develop my own printing skills further.

Each member of the group was asked to create a number of drawings from the chosen subject “jewellery”

and bring the drawings in the next morning to create a collaborative piece. First thought oh dear what if my drawings are not good enough , reality my drawings were good enough several where used to create the piece.

Using drawing techniques from the workshop I could create drawings!

Learning to take forward –  I can do it, my confidence in my ability is begining to increase.

Initial drawings
Initial drawings