Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

Liz Clarke – Knitting Machine Workshops

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a series of knitting machine workshops run by Liz Clarke. Liz Clarke is a very experienced machine knitter and tutor. These workshops where very useful and informative, each week we learnt a new technique and where able to have individual short tutorials to discuss our drawings and our knitting samples.

Some of the techniques I found very frustrating as they kept going wrong for example knitting in the round. This took hours of practise to make 1 circle, the photo below shows the development (I haven’t included the samples that completely fell to bits)

However I was very pleased to make 2 complete circles.

sample pictures 20.05.15 034

We also practised stitch patterns, ladders and holes I was able to create several interesting fabrics using these techniques and combining a variety of yarns.

sample pictures 20.05.15 043  sample pictures 20.05.15 051   sample pictures 20.05.15 047

Acrylic Yarn                              Nylon filament/Wool                100% Viscose

We also learned how to use punch cards to make a variety of patterns, and how to use multiple strands of yarn.

sample pictures 20.05.15 035  Lambs wool/ Viscose

Learning to take Forward

Practice ….

Choice of yarn makes a huge difference

I hope these workshops can be repeated in the 3rd Year as I have found them very helpful.