Body Project

Body Project

For this project I wanted to look at the brain, in particular how to visualise OCD, I wanted to show non sufferers how OCD thoughts can feel. I wanted to explore this in fibre, for this project I chose to work with ‘non standard’ fibres, viscose, milk protein, silk noil, angelina fibre using  wool (Swaledale) to blend the…

Beauty and the Robot : Drawing Machine My Own Robot.

Beauty and the Robot : Drawing Machine My Own Robot.

I attended a really interesting lecture on the subject of Robots and the future presented titled Beauty and the Robot: Future Innovative Collaboration Between Science and Design by  Furuta Takaykuki and Yamanaka Shunji as part of the Toshiba Lectures in Japanese Art and Science held by the Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Arts and Cultures. The lecture discussed the latest development…

Woolly Well-Being Workshop

Woolly Well-Being Workshop

To support my research for my dissertation I decided to facilitate a Woolly Well- Being Workshop, creating a large piece of knitting that would enable a large group of knitters to knit from the same piece of knitting all at the same time. I created a piece of machine knitting with multiple legs that would…

Home Project

Home Project

For this project I decided to look at homelessness, I wanted to show what homelessness felt like in yarn. I was homeless for a short period of time several years ago, I wanted to explore these feelings and try to express the feelings in yarn and to create a piece of work that visualised these feelings. My first…

Wingham Wool Weekend

Wingham Wool Weekend

The Lavenham Guild of Spinners and Weavers held a 2 day sampling weekend enabling spinners to sample a huge variety of fibres. Holly (another 3rd year textile student from NUA ) and I headed of to Lavenham with our spinning wheels in tow. The village hall was filled with spinners and spinning wheels , I…

BA7:  Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

BA7: Pechua Kucha, Learning Agreement

This is my first unit of my last year at NUA, I am now a year 3 student … Oh dear I am not sure what I want to do in my last year, I spent the first week thinking what was I going to do, I wanted to spend this last term developing skills…

Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly workshop at Designer Makers @ 21 in Diss, with Kim and Kally Davidson , the day was spent trying out woolly craft techniques. We were asked to choses 10 different types of yarn to spin together to create a new yarn, I had spun before but I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the process of spinning,…

Saori Weaving

Saori Weaving

Having struggled to get to grips with weaving as I find all the straight lines and edges quite difficult I thought I would try Saori Weaving ,” Saori is hand weaving that emphasises creativity and free expression. No rules, no fear – just pure absorption and immersion into weaving and working with yarn and threads. This ‘non-technique’…

Final Samples & Display Boards

Final Samples & Display Boards

I have always found creating the final sample boards very difficult, I felt I struggled to create boards that would show the relevant design needs required. I also found creating contextual images on Photoshop using displacement  maps hard going as they always looked flat. Following a talk at NUA on creating boards and carrying out my own research…

Experimental 3D fibreglass shape covered with machine knitting

Experimental 3D fibreglass shape covered with machine knitting

Following my experience gained  on work placement I decided to try covering a fibre glass shape with machine knitting, I wanted to experiment using machine knitting as a fabric that could be cut and manipulated over forms to create interesting outcomes.                The machine knitting worked really well, with good stretch covering the knitting was…