Pattern repeat workshops.
1. Creating spot pattern repeats.
Attended a workshop on how to create a spot pattern repeat. If I am honest I am not sure if I understood any of it (could be my dyslexia ??) but I found it very difficult to understand. We created a pattern on a grid and then repeated it in various sizes and with increased numbers of spots.
I repeated the exercises at home with the aid of graph paper and a library book on patterns and was able to understand the process . The practice spot patterns made much more sense.
2 Repeating Random Patterns
We created flower patterns using scissors and coloured card to create random repeating patterns
The paper cuts reminded me of the Matisse Exhibition I attended in the summer at the Tate, using coloured paper and scissors enabled me to create large duplicated images quickly to try out lots of patterns.
Future Learning
Develop techniques to assist with understanding remembering grids/pattern techniques.
Remember to use coloured paper to try out block pattern repeats.