Project 1 Creating repeating patterns – Outcome 1

Project 1 Creating repeating patterns – Outcome 1

For this out come  I wanted to use a tile repeat, in my mind I wanted to create a tile pattern that could be replicated on all 4 sides. My first attempt nearly worked it was really good learning curve as I was able to follow each quarter by colouring in each quarter and then rotating it.pattern repeats dec 020Next step –

Decided on main insect for the tile,   I cut the image into 4 rotated it, re-joined the image and filed in the space created, I did this 3 times.


Initial Drawing


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Once the tile was created I photocopied the tile several times and joined it together.

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Finished tile                                        Repeating tile pattern.


Learning outcome

Graph paper and tracing paper are very very useful, colour coding the segment’s of the tile enable me to easily match up the patterns.