Saori Weaving

Saori Weaving

Having struggled to get to grips with weaving as I find all the straight lines and edges quite difficult I thought I would try Saori Weaving ,” august 15 030Saori is hand weaving that emphasises creativity and free expression. No rules, no fear – just pure absorption and immersion into weaving and working with yarn and threads. This ‘non-technique’ is meditative in nature and aims to build self worth from the process and the resulting textile” (Curious Weaver ). I booked a workshop with Kim at the Saori Studio in Diss. The idea of the workshop was to try Saori weaving and to play with the loom, to experience the freedom of using the loom. The edges are not important hurrah ! Kim explained the history of the Saori loom and showed me lots of samples of her weaving and how she had been able to combine various textile process with her Saroi weaving to create structural garments.

During the  workshop we were encouraged to add texture and to experiment with colour, I was quite pleased with the results but am still unsure if weaving is a process I want to develop as I felt restricted by the confinements of the loom, I don’t think this would be improved by using a larger loom, I think the development  my weaving skills are restricted by my creative thinking processes,  not wanting to be constrained ?   However Kim has mentioned a day course she is running next month a Woolly Workshop looking at extreme crocheting, spinning and weaving I have booked my self in…