Screen printing our pattern repeat

Screen printing our pattern repeat

Screens printed –


october 23 004      october 23 009      october 23 008

Colours mixed (we had carried extensive colour sampling but didn’t take any pictures of that bit !)                                         october 23 037







Pattern repeat marked out onto the print table, print furniture fitted and silk taped down.

october 23 035                  october 23 038

Ready to go ..

october 23 042 Colour 1 october 23 050 Colour 2

october 23 051 Colour 3  october 23 057 Colour 4

Additional colours can be see in image of colour 4 , purple. The texture can also be seen in this image I am not sure if it works ?

october 23 059

Finished repeat



Learning to take forward -

Increased confidence in the print room, using large screen and creating large kodatraces creating large lengths of fabric.Working out how to mark out repeat patterns,using repeat furniture and to repeat print without removing print from previous print.

Pattern structure- How to create a repeat pattern.

Mixing clean colours for screen printing.