Screen printing – “Painterly” Mono Print

Screen printing – “Painterly” Mono Print

I wanted to create a repeating floral design inspired by Marimekko (Finish fabric designers) using floral images, my idea was to create a layered image with foliage in the background the second layer a strong bold design using texture …

Initial ideas foliage prints went well ..

iphone pics 5th march 212 Mono printed background


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Kodatrace created using black water based printing ink.

Learning to take forward ..

1.Sample ALL mediums BEFORE trying final designs..

Textured printing ink varied on each image creating a very uneven screen allowing a varied amount of ink through the screen.

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2. Sample ALL screen layers BEFORE trying final designs

The combination of layers didn’t work as the flowers blended in to the background given a very cluttered/messy look.

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3. Sample, Sample Sample !

I find screen printing very difficult as I am so messy and do not seem to be able to develop a system for handling screens and working out top and bottom of the screens.

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I have 4 prints from this screen printing session  I have decided not to throw the prints away as I intend to use them for developing machine embroidery.

This has re enforced my desire to try new techniques next term, I have booked the knitting machine and the dye kitchen.