Wingham Wool Weekend

Wingham Wool Weekend

The Lavenham Guild of Spinners and Weavers held a 2 day sampling weekend enabling spinners to sample a huge variety of fibres. Holly (another 3rd year textile student from NUA ) and I headed of to Lavenham with our spinning wheels in tow. The village hall was filled with spinners and spinning wheels , I don’t think I have ever seen so many spinning wheels.

IMG_0544 A collection of our spinning wheels

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 Hollie at her spinning wheel                                                                                                Me spinning  a rather lumpy fibre

This weekend was a really good experience enabling us to experiment with a huge variety of fibres that we do not normally have access to. Saturday evening was spent evaluating each fibre, I created small hanks from each fibre sample, these samples were collated to form my own fibre record, this will be added to as my experiments with fibres continue. I returned to Lavenham  on the Sunday to experiment further also developing my sampling based on the samples created on  previous day. I was able to purchase suitable fibres for my body project based on the sampling carried out.

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Photograph showing fibre samples continue to develop fibre sample record. This has record has created a valuable resource for future use.