Woolly Well-Being Workshop

Woolly Well-Being Workshop

To support my research for my dissertation I decided to facilitate a Woolly Well- Being Workshop, creating a large piece of knitting that would enable a large group of knitters to knit from the same piece of knitting all at the same time.

I created a piece of machine knitting with multiple legs that would enable each knitter to pick up the stitches and to continue knitting from the end of the’ knitted leg’ , no restriction were placed on the knitters such as colour or size of needle or yarn thickness. The workshop was about having fun and enjoying the process.

untitled1                                     untitled3

The beginning …                                                                                                                                        The middle ……….


IMG_1917   Click on the link to see a short film of the knitting in progress

The day was very successful, each knitter was asked to complete a label to attach to their knitting and a subsequent label on how they felt knitting improved their wellbeing.

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 The end ………..

The workshop went well, I think all the participants enjoyed themselves, next time the knitted legs could be made longer to prevent back ache!

Each label was removed from the knitting and collated into a small book alongside the second label containing the participants views on how knitting has helped their wellbeing. This book contains a snapshot of each person, this outcome was not the intentional product but I think is a more valuable resource than the piece of knitting. This event created a valuable research  resource for my dissertation.

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Learning to take forward…

Look at the incidental outcomes , this can be a more valued resource than the initial intended outcome.

Using a variety of mediums to record events (need to develop film editing skills)