Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly Workshop Day

Woolly workshop at Designer Makers @ 21 in Diss, with Kim and Kally Davidson , the day was spent trying out woolly craft techniques.

We were asked to choses 10 different types of yarn to spin together to create a new yarn, I had spun before but I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the process of spinning, also I had never created yarn from old yarn  !!


25 th september 002My new yarn on the spinning wheel. The colours of the yarn are impressive, it had not occurred to me to mix very random yarns together, a single horrible yarn once mixed is transformed. …. To develop this idea further ….






We then spent some time creating freeform crochet using any material we wanted to try, I really enjoyed this, freedom to create anything using any material also using a non conventional crochet hook a stick with a notch carved in it. I was very pleased with the results.

september pecha kucha 002

My choice of materials can’t be fully appreciated in this photo, the blue is nylon bailer twine, the red yarn pencil roving of merino a beautifully soft yarn, I find the juxtaposition of material surfaces very interesting, making a very tactile object. I want to explore surface texture in greater detail throughout this unit.

Learning to take forward ……

Colour; experiment with different yarns

Create different surface textures…