Work Placement

Work Placement

For my work placement I decided I wanted to work in 3D, to use my hands to create a product. I was able to spend my placement with Graham Crummet a vehicle trimmer. During my placement I was able to watch and participate in creating 2 complete Triking Sports Car trim sets, I was able to practise stitching  a wide variety of materials and practising making various seams.

I really enjoyed my placement it confirmed my interest in working in 3D, and reminded me how much I enjoy stitching !

Photos showing pattern cutting for a side panel

march 2015 024       march 2015 016


march 2015 057 march 2015 062

march 2015 066 Photo of myself learning to make flat seams.

Creating seat bases and backs for the trim sets.

april 13th 034 april 13th 035 april 13th 038 april 13th 039

Learning to take forward ..

Continue to work in 3D

Continue to experiment with materials





Filed Under: BA6